Wednesday, 28 November 2007

A bit :(

I'll have pics probably tomorrow of the plastering progress, which, as at lunch time saw a lot of the cornice up and most of the sheet joins smoothed off etc.

We had a call today from the carpet people. The carpet retailers said the builder had just been in to place the order, but the supplier of the carpet had advised that they were out of stock of the one we wanted and no more would be manufactured until early/mid Feb.
Not that big a deal we thought, we'll just move in without carpet, putting most of our stuff in the garage or something, and when the carpet's laid, move in properly.
Unfortunately our builder told us that we can't move in before the carpet's in (I'll have to ask why as carpet isn't required for an occupancy certificate) AND that the middle of Feb will only be a couple of weeks after the house will be ready anyway... So much for hoping to be in by Christmas!
Our contract says it'll be finished within 20 weeks, plus 10 days, from the 27-8-2007. Which by my calculations is the 25-01-2008.

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