Everything's going pretty well.
We've had a few hickups, like everyone...
Still no phone line. A Telstra tech came out and got the number patched through as far as the neighbours place, but now we have to wait until a borer is available to get across to our place.
We had a
a water leak inside an external wall
a gas leak under the cooktop
a leak from a drain pipe in the laundry
a light with a dodgy connection
And still have (I haven't had time to mention to the builder at all)
a laundry door lock that wont unlock
some missing grout
about 1/2 dozen bricks missing from the wall from the plumber
and the theatre room lights that were supposed to be wired in 2 banks of 2 (switched separately front and back) are all on one switch.
But we're having a great time in our new place. So close to work, and nice and big, with heaps of storage.
Once I get a phone line, and then an internet connection, I'll up some photos.